Back again for another dip into the cesspool of insanity and bad advice known as Warseer. Threads like
today's subject make me cringe. What we have a complete newbie to the hobby asking an honest question, "what is the point of the AoBR terminators?" It's a good question, since they don't come with a heavy weapon. All they have are a 40 point price tag, the firepower of 10 tactical marines, and Powerfists. Clearly, out of the box they are fairly useless.
The correct answer is, "buy the bits for a CML and have a compact 5 man squad that has some anti-tank capability." Also acceptable, "buy TH/SS bits and turn them into Assault Terminators." But as this is Warseer, I can predict the following: he will get the right answers early on in the thread, but it will be complete lost in the noise of bad advice. Let's see if I'm right...

HRM: ... Almost finished up painting my AoBR Marines, and I've been pondering a few things about my potential force. Namely... The Terminator squad. What are they... for? I get that the Dreadnaught, with it's multimelta, is for anti-tank, but the Termies have powerfists, right? So they're good at anti-tank as well, it would seem. Yet they also have storm bolters, which would make them good at anti-infantry, too. They seem to be stuck in the middle, so to speak.
So pardon my noobishness, but what role are regular Terminators "supposed" to fill? Is there a consensus on this? I dunno if I even want to really include these guys at all once I have more troops bought, as I really don't like the models (dual-lightning claw Termies, now...

), but I'll use them for now - I'm just not sure HOW.
Thanks, all, in advance!
Like I said above, buy them a heavy weapon bit and let them fill a firepower role or buy TH/SS bits and make them close combat power houses. Done deal!
GremlinXLT: The only time I ever use regular terminators is with Black Templar and that somehow pretains to his question how?. And thats just for the two cyclone missile launchers they can get with 5 guys. For vanilla marines the best terminator IMHO is the Thunder Hammer/Stormshield one.
Not terrible advice, he is steering him in the right direction using them as TH/SS termies.
bosky: Some people just can't resist the 2+ save. Others tend to Deep Strike a squad of Terminators in a suicidal anti-tank mission.
...and here comes the bad advice. Advising someone to deep strike 5 terminators with no heavy weapon on a suicide anti-tank mission (powerfists lol?) is fucking stupid. If that is the best you got, don't bother posting.
HRM: You're not the first guy to recommend these Termies to me. Sadly, the models look HILARIOUSLY bad, so I'm never using them.
Oh man. I had respect for you as a newbie who asked an honest question, now I see that you're destined to be a Warseer scrub forever. I predict that within a year, you'll have switched to Eldar and embrace the Isrado Swooping Hawk philosophy. Or switch to Chaos and become a total whiner. "Yeah I don't use the best unit in my codex because it looks hilariously bad." In fact, if you don't like the aesthetic of Thunderhammers, I'm not even sure 40k is the game for you. Don't show this guy the Jokoero mini.
MrVampireChicken: wen i vs my friend he uses vanilla and i use blood angles his five termis absolutely owned my death company in 2 rounds
so they are a valuable resorse and i agree that the ones from aobr do look ugly so convert them
Oh fucking christ. Please tell me this is a troll and no one could intentionally type like that, AND give such awful advice.
Kelanen: Tactical Terminators are a jack of all trades, master of none, with good survivability. they are a flexible, versatile unit, that have a reasonable chance of doing just about anything.
This doesn't answer his question, what is he supposed to do with them.
Volandum: They are mobile fire support and counterassault for an infantry-heavy advance, and I find they work very well for this task.
Yeah those 10 Storm Bolter shots are setting the world on fire in terms of mobile fire support. And they counterassault those Genesteals so well, right?
fluffymcfluff: I might be the only one on warseer who prefers the tactical termies. As said in previous posts, they need to fill a role, I use mine for a distraction/counter assault 90% of the time.
You might also be the dumbest person on Warseer. What the fuck is a "distraction unit?" Do you think I'll see your lame as tactical terminators sitting there, and forget everything I know about target priority and go into some anti-terminator zombie mode? I think you do, actually. That just showcases the absolutely abysmal level most of you drones play the game at.
Blademeister: It depends on what the opponent is using.
Fuck you. You don't write your list based on what your opponent is bringing. Typical 11 year old scrub mentality. Except this person is probably an adult.
anewhope: 5 Assault Terminators (2TH/3LC) in a Land Raider with a Chaplain is good combination as the Chaplain enables you to re-roll failed hits and you can reroll failed wounds on the claws. Get the +1 attacks for charging and you're going to causing major damage to most units in the game.
So he has to buy bits to make them CC, buy a Land Riaider (vanilla pattern since you didn't say Crusader) and waste his HQ slot on a Chaplain. Well that is some downright terrible advice. And people wonder why vanilla marine armies rarely win big tournaments. Look at the list writing ability of most vanilla marine players.
And with that, I reach the end of my sanity. What have we learned? For starters, we learned that Warseer drones are incapable of answering a simple question in a clear and consistent manner. Secondly, we learned that the original poster fits in perfectly with Warseer: he asks tactical/list writing advice, gets the right answer, and then consciously ignores it for fluff/modeling reasons. He has a long and bright future ahead of him at Warseer, I think.